Niladri Mahapatra

10 Steps For A Successful Agile Transformation

10 Steps for a Successful Agile Transformation

Agile transformation is implementing the agile methodology in the organization for development. This approach can be difficult and complex, requiring considerable changes in culture, systems, and practices.  Some procedures, however, can assist in ensuring a successful agile transformation. This also assists us in defining our revenue targets for each client segment and product. Do you […]

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How long does Agile Transformation take

How Long Does Agile Transformation Take?

In recent times agile transformation has been very popular in managing the strategies of the project. Agile transformation is using Agile processes and concepts to improve how a company provides value to its consumers. It entails a shift in how teams operate, collaborate, and make choices, emphasizing continuous improvement, customer satisfaction, and delivering value as

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Jira Capacity Planning

Jira capacity planning: plan your team’s work more effectively

In Jira capacity planning Teams frequently use Jira, a well-liked project management tool, to organize their work and monitor progress. Jira’s capacity planning features, which help teams schedule their work more effectively and efficiently, are one of its important features. Determining how much work a team can reasonably complete in a specific amount of time

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What are some challenges of using Agile and Scrum methods?

What are some challenges of using Agile and Scrum methods?

Challenges of using Agile and Scrum methods: Agile and Scrum are project management approaches widely utilized in software development and other sectors. While they provide several benefits, such as higher productivity, faster time to market, and improved customer satisfaction, firms may confront significant hurdles while using these strategies. These difficulties include reluctance to change, a

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How To Implement Agile In An Organization

How To Implement Agile in an Organization?

In order to manage the project and significantly increase the project’s chances of success, an agile implementation in an organization is important.  Agile implementation entails a complete shift in how an organization thinks, which impacts how it performs. However, many firms struggle to implement Agile project management owing to a lack of information, leadership, and

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Does Agile Transformation Implementation Really Help An Organization

Does Agile Transformation Implementation Really Help an organization – A Data-Based Study 

Agile implementation can help an organization in several ways, but its success largely depends on the specific context of the organization and how well the transformation is executed. There are several benefits of becoming Agile, and learning about them will help you decide. The data points highlighting the benefits and positive results of Agile transformation:

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Agile Transformation Case Study

Agile Transformation Case Study – Agile Digest

Agile transformation case study TO refer to documented examples of organizations that have successfully adopted Agile methodologies and transformed their business practices to achieve greater efficiency, flexibility, and customer satisfaction. TO refer to documented examples of organizations that have successfully adopted Agile methodologies and transformed their business practices to achieve greater efficiency, flexibility, and customer

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