Big Team Capacity Planner

capacity planner, team planner ,big team planner
Big Team Capacity Planning template, supports up to 40 members

This template is prepared to Plan your Big Team (up to 40 members) capacity and optimize your commitment during Sprint Planning.


Worksheet Information’s


The “Definition” sheet is the first sheet where you will configure the sprint for Capacity Planning, this sheet have 6 sections to define

1 Team Define the Team Name and Focus Factor
2 Current Sprint Sprint Name and Cadence
3 Holiday List List of Holidays fall under the sprint duration
4 Ceremony Time Capture the time for each ceremony or planned meeting
5 Team Member Team Members Name, Role and their allocation % to the Project
6 Individual Vacations Capture individual planned vacation time.

Please Note: There will be some default values when you are using it for the first time. Please change it accordingly


The Sheet has the pivot table that you may need to refresh after any change on the definition sheet


This Sheet is the Final output of the planned capacity. It’s a View only Sheet to calculate and represent the capacity. If any changes required, please change on the definition sheet.

Sprint Planning

This sheet is you can use to plan your sprint my adding committed stories, with the task hours estimated by each team member, This Sheet will auto calculate the Planned Capacity and commitment Hours, with graphical representation of utilization, and visual warning on over-commitment

Estimation Accuracy

This sheet is to use on the last day of the sprint or after the sprint closure, to calculate Over and Under Estimation

Video Tutorial

Follow the Video Tutorial on YouTube to learn how to work on this template.

Change Request

If you need any changes – drop us a mail at [email protected] – with a nominal fees we will make the changes for you.


Max team Members 40
Sprint Duration in Weeks 1 week, 2 weeks, 3 weeks, 4 weeks
Holiday Rule Team Holiday Override – Individual Holiday


  • Can I make Modification or Customization?

    Yes You Can

  • Where Can i request for support

    You can drop us a email @[email protected]

Quick Glance


Original price was: $75.00.Current price is: $70.00.

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