Our Safe Transformation Strategy

Build up the vision for change

There must be a convincing explanation behind the change, and a dream to oblige it. The vision for change fills three essential needs:

It explains the reason and course for the change and sets the crucial all to follow. It keeps away from the bunch of confounding expected subtleties and spotlights everybody on the why, not the how, of the change.

It begins to move individuals the correct way. All things considered, change is hard, and torment is inescapable, particularly in the early going. Individuals’ occupations will change. The vision propels individuals by giving them a convincing motivation to roll out the improvement. Maybe in particular, it underlines that there is actually no employer stability is the norm.

It helps start the planned activity important to guarantee that hundreds, maybe even thousands, of individuals cooperate toward another—and all the more expressly fulfilling—objective. With clearness of vision, individuals are engaged to take the nitty gritty activities important to accomplish the vision, without the steady requirement for the executives management or check in.

Why training is Important

Our way of thinking is straightforward: the duty regarding Lean-Agile appropriation and achievement lies with the undertaking’s current administrators, pioneers, and chiefs. Such a duty can’t be appointed to the Agile Center for Excellence (ACE), improvement groups, or outside experts. To accomplish Lean-Agile reception, pioneers must be prepared in these new and imaginative perspectives and working.

SAFe® Agilists display the accompanying qualities:

They are prepared in Lean and Agile standards and base their everyday choices on this drawn out way of thinking

They create individuals, and their kin create arrangements

They comprehend and show Lean and Agile practices

They are prepared in the practices and instruments of constant improvement and show representatives critical thinking and restorative activity aptitudes

They are hands-on in the new procedure, and they assume individual liability for Lean-Agile achievement

One wellspring of such preparing is the course Leading the Lean-Agile Enterprise with the Scaled Agile Framework® (Leading SAFe®), conveyed by guaranteed experts or mentors in open enlistment or on location settings.

Each course is intended to assist people with expanding the estimation of their job inside a SAFe association, and to assist them with progressing all through their profession as they practice, counsel, or train others in SAFe. The outcome is better usage, and more noteworthy solidness for the association.

Following the Implementation Roadmap

While each change venture is one of a kind, numerous associations depend on the Scaled Agile Implementation Roadmap for direction on demonstrated strides to get from “Going SAFe” to seeing business results. Fruitful usage share normal characteristics: early interest from chief initiative and a workforce very much prepared and instructed in Scaled Agile Framework® (SAFe®) rehearses.

Following these essential advances will help associations on their way through their SAFe change to arrive at genuine endeavour readiness. While no two selections are indistinguishable, and there is once in a while an entirely consecutive bit by bit usage in any venture, organizations getting the best outcomes normally follow away like that appeared in the Roadmap.

Here are the means of Identifying Value Streams and ARTs, Creating the Implementation Plan, and propelling the main ART.

Recognize Value Streams and ARTs
One of the initial steps to extending SAFe is to recognize the Value Streams inside the undertaking. Endeavouring to an easy route or breeze through this progression would be equivalent to putting your foot on the brake simultaneously you are attempting to quicken. Getting esteem streams right, notwithstanding, makes an association advanced to encourage the progression of significant worth across useful storehouses, exercises, and limits

Distinguishing Value Streams is conceivably the most significant initial phase in propelling an effective Agile Release Train (ART). Worth Streams are the essential Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) built for comprehension, sorting out, and conveying an incentive to the client and therefore to the venture itself. Understanding the real progression of significant worth in a venture is a test that must be tended to in the particular business setting, and can turn out to be increasingly more convoluted as undertakings become bigger.
Making the Implementation Plan
When the worth streams and ARTs have been distinguished, it’s an ideal opportunity to begin placing the arrangement energetically. Recognize the groups on the underlying ART dispatch. Choose which colleagues will fill which jobs. Timetable the preparation of every one of these jobs and the PI Planning occasion.

It is likewise never too soon to begin considering when extra ARTs and worth streams would turn out over the association.

At this point, the new vision is regularly being imparted around the organization, head partners are adjusting, and individuals are beginning to detect that something important is noticeable all around. Making a Program Increment Roadmap assists with delineating the theory of when, where, and how the rollout may happen at a significant level.

Launching Agile Release Trains

Launching Agile Release Trains (ARTs) is basic to applying Lean and Agile improvement rehearses across enormous quantities of groups and specialists. Expressions are a fundamental development that raises 125 individuals together to design in a set timeframe called a Program Increment (PI). As a structure square of SAFe, ARTs assist endeavours with accomplishing the pervasiveness, rhythm, and arrangement expected to build the profitability, quality, esteem conveyance, and vital arrangement of their product and frameworks advancement.

Over these four days, the organization will:

  • Build a predictable model for Program Increment Planning, objective setting, program execution, and adaptive feedback that provides a continuous flow of value to the user or marketplace
  • Train up to 125 team members (typically organized into 8 – 12 Scrum teams for a common program) in the principles of the Scaled Agile Framework and the implementation of SAFe® for Teams in an enterprise context
  • Align the teams to a common enterprise mission and product backlog, and plan for the Program Increment (8 – 12 weeks of value) through software and solutions
  • Establish Iteration Plans and measurable PI objectives
  • Introduce prospective Product Owners and Scrum Masters to the principles and practices unique to their role in the Lean-Agile enterprise

With the groups and partners prepared and the better approach for working currently as a result, the association is presently arranged to advance and improve.

Launching an Agile Release Train majorly requires two significant advances:

1. Preparing the groups inside the ART in a two-day SAFe for Teams class

2. Taking part in a two-day PI Planning occasion

These two stages are required to not just train the groups to see all the key ideas, standards, and fundamental beliefs of SAFe, yet in addition to permit them to take an interest in the dynamic procedure of characterizing the key goals of the following PI.

Supporting the change: entanglements to keep away from

Much in the wake of having moved beyond the tipping point of choosing to actualize the Framework, it is essential to keep an eye out for the regular difficulties and traps of full authoritative change.

While each SAFe usage is one of a kind, many follow similar examples, face similar difficulties, and require similar strides to accomplish genuine undertaking dexterity. While following the Implementation Roadmap can assist associations with remaining on the correct way during their excursion.

  1. Failing to establish a sense of urgency:

A leading person is needed for “tooting the horn” and driving the change. Without a sense of why this change is important, the organization will fail to see the value.

  1. Not creating a guiding coalition

SAFe® Program Consultants (SPCs) and executive SAFe® Agilists (SAs) need to buy in and believe in what they are doing. If leadership has not bought in, the implementation will fail. It’s impossible to have one without the other.

  1. Underestimating the power of vision and strategy

Organizational change is not something that can be done without a solid plan in place. The enterprise must understand all the players and where they fit in the transformation.

  1. Under-communicating the vision

It’s not possible to over-communicate the vision. Alignment is key. If a single person on a given team does not understand what the vision is, it has not been communicated well enough.

  1. Permitting obstacles to block the vision

Roadblocks (like those listed here) will always come up. Don’t let them defeat the effort or stop the forward momentum that’s already been created.

  1. Failure to create short term wins

Keep moving forward, follow the Implementation Roadmap, and launch Agile Release Trains (ARTs)! Creating those short-term wins is critical to keeping the momentum and convincing those remaining doubters and pragmatists of the real value of SAFe.

  1. Declaring victory too soon

It is important not to get too excited after the first ART is launched. Changing habits takes a lot of time and practice. Make sure to keep that first train on the tracks as this new way of working and thinking takes root within the company. This isn’t an overnight fix.

  1. Neglecting to anchor changes firmly in the culture

Declaring victory too soon is the fastest way to lose track of the most important aspect of a SAFe transformation: changing the company (and executive team) culture within the enterprise. Culture comes from habits, and habits come from constant reinforcement of the goals that are trying to be reached. Anchor new approaches in the culture. The only way the culture can be grown is to establish a new set of habits, and that is what SAFe does.

These common pitfalls are ones that many organizations experience when moving toward full SAFe adoption. If the transformation feels stuck, take a look at the above factors, Inspect and Adapt, and search for the root causes of the blocks.


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As many of us are well-acquainted with the versatility of Jira, we often encounter challenges in filtering data precisely as needed. This is where the power of Jira Query Language (JQL) becomes indispensable. I am excited to share some fundamental concepts of JQL that will empower you to craft more effective queries, enhancing your data manipulation capabilities within Jira.

Let's Get Familiar with SAFe: 3-Hour Live Session on Key Concepts

$ 25.00

Join us for an engaging 3-hour live session on June 9th, 2024, from 7:00 PM IST to 10:00 PM IST, where we will dive deep into the fundamentals of SAFe 6.0. This non-certification awareness program is designed to help you understand the key concepts of the SAFe Framework. Whether you have doubts about SAFe, are considering which certification is best for you, or are undecided about whether SAFe is the right fit, this session is perfect for you.

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